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Maintenance Tips For Longboards

Feb 19,2022

Maintenance Tips for Longboards

Longboarding is a fun hobby and a great way to get around town. There is nothing more exciting than cruising the streets with the wind on a longboard. But you need to take care of your board to keep it functional and extend its lifespan. Check out these essential maintenance tips for every longboard rider.

Take care of your bearings

Bearings must be taken care of when you want your longboard to function properly and last as long as possible. When your bearings start to squeak, it's time to clean them. Here is the basic cleaning process for longboard bearings:

Remove the bearing.

Remove the rubber cover.

Flush bearings with isopropyl alcohol, mineral spirits, gasoline or kerosene. Let them soak for a few hours.

Let them dry for about half an hour.

Replace or replace the rubber boot.

Replace the bearing into the wheel.

don't forget your wheels

Just like the tires on a car, the wheels of a longboard need to spin for optimum performance. Try to prioritize wheel spin every few weeks. This process ensures that

they wear out in an even fashion and that no single wheel takes the brunt of it.

When your wheels start to show signs of age and wear, it's best to replace the kit completely.

Scrub Decks and Tape

While you should avoid exposing your longboard to water, such as in the rain or in a puddle, this is not always possible. If it does get wet, try to dry the deck as quickly as possible. When it's time to clean your board, use soapy water and a nylon brush to remove all dust and grime from your board deck.

After brushing the board, rinse off the soapy water with a sponge. Wipe the deck with a towel when you're done, then let it dry on its own for about four hours to make sure the deck is completely dry.

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