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Is It Better To Buy An Inflatable Paddle Board Or A Hard Board?

Jun 02,2022

1. Transportability

Ease of transport is one of the biggest selling points of inflatable paddle boards, you don't need an SUV, SUV, van, or a roof rack for a small family car specifically for this, because when deflated, the board rolls perfectly into a mere 1 meter Left and right high backpack. Especially when you go on vacation abroad, you can avoid paying a lot of air freight and handling cumbersome shipping procedures.

2. Storage space

Whether you have extra storage space at home is also something you need to consider. Hard boards do take up space during winter or rainy seasons.

3. Durability

Rigid boards are more durable and last longer than inflatable boards. It will not be damaged after ten or eight years. However, when the inflatable paddle is stored for a long time, the glue will age, and there will be leakage of glue, let alone playing. Various bumps in the process.

4. Performance

Paddleboards are more flexible, easier to glide, and easier to catch waves if surfing. In other words, if you plan to use a paddleboard for surfing, racing or long-distance sailing, the paddleboard is the way to go.

In general, one word is that hard paddles are faster than inflatable paddles.

5. Cost

Inflatable paddles generally cost less than hard paddles. If the budget is sufficient, it is recommended to go straight to the hard paddleboard. You will find that paddleboards are really easier to paddle. He gave up halfway through exhaustion.

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